Disclosing the religiously worn all-black Parisian outfits, from the perspective of a girl who loves colors as well as black…
Do you like the look of “EMILY IN PARIS” ?
Lily Collins饰演的美国女孩Emily,因为工作而来到巴黎,开启她在这个浪漫之都的新旅程, 一起边追剧边学学Emily的优雅法式妆容吧!
Secrets of the French Makeup
French women always seem to look glamorous, whether wearing high-end couture, or jeans and a t-shirt. Let’s reveal the beauty secrets that give French girls their “je ne sais quoi”!
Le Petit Souk, un Paradis pour des enfants
Whether your on the lookout for a little souvenir or a treat for the kids, you will find about everything here