“Je ne puis demeurer… loin de toi plus longtemps.” (I can’t stand it anymore… Without you…)
Chatelles, a French brand that we ADORE for its romantic love story.
A handsome man fell in love with a girl and expressed his affection for her to make shoes for her. She accepted the shoes, but… After the beloved girl left, François quitted his job as an investment banker in London and returned to his hometown Paris, where he founded the Chatelles brand in 2012.
François hired Tiphane de Bodman, who graduated from Central Saint Martins as designer. Tiphane de Bodman has designed shoes for Hermès, Kenzo (Takada Kenzo), Alexander McQueen and Paul Smith.
Thanks to the personalization service, they are produced in a small town in Portugal and made with the best Italian leather. The brand thinks of a sustainable future using recycled materials to manufacture the sole of the shoes.
Chatelles, une marque française que l’on ADORE pour son histoire d’amour romantique. François est tombé amoureux d’une fille et lui a exprimé son affection pour qu’elle lui fabrique des chaussures. Elle a seulement accepté les chaussures. Après le départ de son amour, François a quitté son travail de banquier à Londres et est retourné dans sa ville natale, où il a fondé la marque Chatelles en 2012.
François a embauché Tiphane de Bodman, diplômé de la Central Saint Martins, qui avait conçu des chaussures pour Hermès, Kenzo (Takada Kenzo), Alexander McQueen et Paul Smith.
Romantic Paris emerges through the sole of each pair of shoes of Chatelles. Each pair is handmade and customized, Chatelles is for women who want to shine without sacrificing femininity or their rock chic side.
“Je ne puis demeurer… loin de toi plus longtemps.”
心爱的姑娘离开后,François du Chastel辞去了伦敦投资银行的重压工作,回到家乡巴黎,并于2012年创立了Chatelles品牌。François认为,女人穿平底鞋也可以像穿高跟鞋一样性感时尚,而且更舒适。
François聘请毕业于Central Saint Martins(伦敦中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院)的Tiphane de Bodman担任设计师。他曾为Hermès(爱马仕)、Kenzo(高田贤三)、Alexander McQueen、Paul Smith设计鞋履。
61, rue de Varenne
75007 Paris