It is no longer a secret that Parisians love to wear black. Books such as “How to be a Parisian” like to talk about of Parisian stereotypes half-jokingly and half-seriously, and there is always a chapter which mentions their love for black.
There are two completely different attitudes when it comes to the famous Parisian dressing style. While some people admire it, others say that if you come to Paris with the expectation of feeling the wow effect, you will surely be disappointed.
What makes [Black] the first choice for Parisians? We’d like to simply point out that wearing black is an “observation” rather than a “rule” .
“Black is modest and arrogant at the same time “- Yohji Yamamoto
“I love black because it affirms, designs and styles. A woman in a black dress is a pencil stroke.” -Yves Saint Laurent
We can not deny – nothing is as effortless chis as black. Easy and mysterious. Black outfits are flattering, sophisticated, and always appropriate.
While some say that men and women seem to be too afraid to step out of the Parisian etiquette of black, grey and navy tones. For many though, black represent sophistication, glamor, security, emotional safety, all elements of the Parisian lifestyle and mindset.
The most accurate explanation of wearing so much black is the essence of the parisian style, being “discret” as “low-profile” in English. This subconscious protocol require them to stick to neutral and dark tones.
Paris has a pleasant climate with four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, giving people the opportunity to wear all kinds of beautiful clothes. But black is still the most commonly worn. Both men and women are masters of wearing black. And they are not ever tired of it, from season to season.
Spring is a time where you’re not sure if it will be sunny or rainy, where it’s warm in the sunshine and freezing in the shade, where temperatures shift 10 degrees hour by hour in the middle of the day. Basically it’s a time where you have no idea what the hell to wear and just hope that the outfit decisions you make are appropriate for the many types of weather you might encounter.
Winter is long, and the temperature drops sharply at the end of October every year, and the cold comes to this romantic city overnight. Affected by the Mediterranean climate, the whole winter is sometimes sunny, sometimes rainy and snowy, and this will continue in March of the coming year.
In autumn and winter, the Parisian girl’s uniform is a simple but well cut black leather motorcycle jacket with black leggings or jeans, plus angle black boots. This black leather jacket is the most used piece in their wardrobe. As for under the jacket, it is more casual, some people wear a plaid shirt, some people wear a fuchsia sweater, or a matching black dress.
Women living in Paris are blessed and spoiled by the beatiful city. People say that Parisian women have a good style, well In fact, the main reason is that most of them have extremely slender and tall figures. The diversity plays an important role. You may not be able to tell immediately from their appearance, but by listening carefully to them, you can hear that they speak French or have a little bit of an accent.
Summer is people’s favorite season, neither hot nor cold, but a little too short. Women wearing vintage dresses , bohemian dresses or in professional attire. On a gloomy winter day, there was a blonde girl in a light blue coat, smoking a cigarette while waiting to cross the road. In summer, all kinds of brightly colored vests, short shorts and floral skirts float happily along the Seine.
Black will always be the anchor of style. But let’s talk about love for vinatge and colors in the next article!
这两个“派系”的说法都不能算是不对。的确,在巴黎的地铁上、街上放眼望去,很难看到大面积的艳粉、明黄、翠蓝等夺眼球的颜色,而黑色确是人们最常穿的颜色。秋日里,巴黎女郎人人必备的uniform 就是一件黑色机车皮夹克配黑色紧身裤,再加上到脚踝左右的黑色短靴。而这件黑色皮夹克,就是她们衣橱里使用率最高的一件衣服。至于夹克里则比较随性,有人穿格子衬衫,有人穿件暗紫红色毛衣,看似雷同的装扮,不同的人身上,呈现不同的风采。百货商场里,黑白灰外加深蓝色和卡其色,占据了80%左右衣服的色彩。
那些名为“如何做个巴黎人”的书, 半开玩笑半认真的讲了不少巴黎人stereotype,其中必然有一章节是探讨巴黎人对黑色的热爱。 是什么原因让【黑】成为巴黎人穿衣的首选呢? 答案不外乎这几个:经典、显瘦、百搭、简单、有人觉得穿大片红黄绿的人精神有点问题…巴黎人爱穿黑色已不再是秘密。
巴黎的气候宜人,春夏秋冬四季分明,充分给了人们穿上各种漂亮衣服展示自己的机会。夏季是人们最喜爱的季节,不冷不热,但是稍嫌短暂。冬季冗长,每年差不多10 月底气温就直线下降,寒冷一夜之间就来到了这个浪漫之都。受地中海气候的影响,整个冬季时而阳光明媚,时而雨雪交加,这样一直要持续到来年的3 月份,黑色是永远不会过时的。