Famous for its cafés, Paris was once a “cafe society”. Something of a French institution, a culture and a habit, there is nothing more cliché, or more enjoyable– than sitting at a café “en terrasse” and sipping on a latte.
Drinking coffee and people watching seems to be a special hobby of French people. Even in winter, the outdoor sittings are always full. The heating lamp seem to bring enough warmth. Drinking coffee or going to a cafe is a matter of an essential part of the parisian life. It cannot be cancelled or replaced. Time is not in consideration while in a cafe.
With a state of mind, everything becomes different.
Reading a romantic novel, a magazine, or bringing your laptop to work (or prentending to work) , a café is a place where we can be alone with our thoughts, but surrounded by the interesting display of humanity around. A place where we can take the time to relax—read, write, think, and watch the passing parade.
Ironically, Paris doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to the coffee quality. An espresso in many cafés often runs the gamut from watery to bitter to grainy. “Jus de chaussette” is a French term to describe the tasteless coffee. Luckily, the past decade has brought a coffee revolution to the capital, and a many delicious coffee spots have opened.
Of course, there is an art to ordering your coffee in Paris.
Once you pick a cafe at which to settle — it doesn’t have to be Café de Flore and Les Deux Magots, which are popular choices for tourists, but really any cafe will do — you might not see your waitress for some time. Once you have ordered your coffee, it might be even more time until you see him. Don’t take it as the waiters is not attentive enough. In fact, he might just not want to interfere with whatever you are doing and making sure that you are not hurried away. If you do need something, a simple smile always work. He will notice and come to you.
A café doesn’t have to be chic in order to be pleasant to pass the time, but sometimes that is part of the charm. My own favorite café in Paris is Café Louis Philippe, just right across i’ile Saint Louis, facing the Seine. This café has been there for a long time. When I come here, I like to find a seat from which I can look across the boulevard, listening to the cars ( I don’t quite mind) and birds.
Sitting at a table with a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper for an hour becomes a luxury, although once was a given right. We have been missing this so much during the lockdown period.
Could we really live well with out the Parisian cafés?

巴黎以咖啡馆闻名,难怪为什么巴黎曾经是“咖啡馆社会”。具有讽刺意味的是,就咖啡质量而言,这座城市没有最好的声誉。在大多数巴黎咖啡馆中,一种简单的意式浓缩咖啡通常会从水味到苦味再到粒状。 “ jus de chaussette”是法语用于描述无味的咖啡。幸运的是,过去十年给首都带来了一场咖啡革命,许多美味的咖啡馆也开始进入这座城市。